The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Monday, September 27, 2004

I love my wife's name

I love my wife's name... Cindy. It has a greek origin meaning "moon." She also has a middle name, Louise, which has a german origin, and means "famous in battle."

However, my love for her name does not seem to have any reasonable or logical origin. I just love her name. There's something in the name Cindy that stirs something in me. And when I meet other people with the same name, my thoughts go straight to my wife... and I find it very awkward and weird to be calling someone else Cindy (especially guys :) ) . It seems wrong and unnatural, like only my wife should have that name.

I remember before we started dating, and some people might think this is weird... like I was some kind of stalker... but I used to do web searches on the name cindy hoping to land on some page about my wife or a page with some info on her... maybe a picture. I never did though. (FYI, a search for cindy mostly produces sites dedicated to Cindy Crawford, and I for one never really found her attractive).

It's obviously a subjective thing, but just as the moon brings light to a dark sky, my wife, Cindy, brings light to my life. She is my moon, while Jesus is my Sun. (Wow, poetic, eh!?)

Be blessed.


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