This may seem weird, but I know that if you have ever experienced the feeling you get when people do not forgive you after you apologize and ask for forgiveness... I know you will get this one!
It is so sweet to know that my wife will not hold a grudge. It is such a "load off" and a relief to know that, eventually, things will be alright in our relationship, because my wife will forgive me.
Now, don't get me wrong, I am not taking this as a license to screw up! But, I am human, and chances are good that I will annoy, hurt, frustrate, tick-off or anger my wife in some way in the near (hopefully not TOO near) future. And though she may be upset at me for a little while... And rightfully so, in most cases... I know that when I ask for forgiveness, I will receive it from her.
Because, I know that she is dedicated to seeing our relationship grow and last forever, as am I. And, ultimately, I know she loves me!
As do I her... (i.e. I love my wife!)