The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Happy 3rd Anniversary

I just wanted to announce that it is our 3rd anniversary today. These past three years have been the most exciting and adventurous years of my life.

Thank you Love for your love and understanding. I look forward to the future with you!

I love my wife.

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Monday, May 16, 2005

I love my wife's joy

I think I am happiest when my wife is joyful... WOW, that's a revelation! But, really! When she's happy, and I mean really happy and joyful, then I am too.

I'm man enough and honest enough to admit that our relationship had been a little rocky for a couple of weeks. But yesterday, Cindy was just so joyful. Without thinking, she came up to me, and in a very sweet and joyful way told me what she had planned for the rest of the day after the church service. In the past, she would also most "fearfully" or nervously come to me, as if she expected me to disapprove, but not yesterday.

And then when I picked her up after I finished work, she was so happy about her manicure and pedicure and that a friend lent her some clothes (a dress) for a wedding we have this weekend. You know after a lot of emotional turmoil--NOT all from our relationship... A lot of character dealings in myself!!! But this is not the blog for that :) --to see Cindy so happy, just took a ton of weight off of my shoulders. Her joy lifts me up and strengthens me.

I love my wife.

Monday, May 09, 2005

I love my wife's forgiveness

This may seem weird, but I know that if you have ever experienced the feeling you get when people do not forgive you after you apologize and ask for forgiveness... I know you will get this one!

It is so sweet to know that my wife will not hold a grudge. It is such a "load off" and a relief to know that, eventually, things will be alright in our relationship, because my wife will forgive me.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not taking this as a license to screw up! But, I am human, and chances are good that I will annoy, hurt, frustrate, tick-off or anger my wife in some way in the near (hopefully not TOO near) future. And though she may be upset at me for a little while... And rightfully so, in most cases... I know that when I ask for forgiveness, I will receive it from her.


Because, I know that she is dedicated to seeing our relationship grow and last forever, as am I. And, ultimately, I know she loves me!

As do I her... (i.e. I love my wife!)