The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

I love my wife's lunches

I love my wife's lunches.

My wife is so sweet. We've been very stress lately. My wife's back at work. We are trying to pay two mortgages. We're trying to pay our bills. We're trying to find a tenant for our old apartment. We're trying to do some renovations at our triplex. We're trying to have time with each other and our daughter. We're trying to maintain our household (cleaning, etc...). We're trying to serve in our local church. It makes like a tad hectic.

Yet, my wonderful wife still finds time to pack me my lunch. I don't ask her to. In fact, this past week I've felt very nauseated that I've skipped lunch most days. Yet, there she is packing it. And she doesn't just pack some leftovers from the night before. I'll always find some fruit, maybe a yogourt, and--if we have it in the house--a piece of chocolate. She is so wonderful.

For example, today she went as far as to make tuna salad (though we have lots of leftovers). She kept the lettuce, tomato, and bread separate, so that it doesn't get soggy. And I have a mini Mars bar. She is just awesome.

I know there's probably tons of wives and mothers who do this... but to me, with everything we have going on, this is really special to me.

I love my wife's lunches.

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