The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I love my wife's domestic skills

In an age where we try to promote equality between the sexes, and many couples share household chores (don't get me wrong, we do share chores), I do have to say that I am so thankful for and totally appreciate my wife's skills in the home.

I am always amazed at how much she can accomplish in the house in an hour or two. She easily does double the amount of work that I seem to do. And I know why. She is so good at organizing things and making areas look neat and clean, even if everything is not organized and put away in its "right" place. That's where I often lose the battle with clutter. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and so if I can get things into their "right" place, I get frustrated, and make a subconscious decision to ignore it and work on something less frustrating. But my wife just cuts through the clutter and makes the place look in order. That may be one of the greatest blessings to me... though I have not always shown it.

She knows how to clean, how do to laundry, how to iron (very important to me... I made a joke before I got married that the only thing I NEEDED my wife to do was the ironing, because that is my least favorite chore), how to cook (and she is a most excellent cook. I never have to worry about what I will eat for supper if I cannot get home early to make supper. Last night she made a great fish dish with vegetables on the side. It was so good that I have three servings!), how to paint, how to make a bed, how to wash dishes (this is another one that is so important to me. I can't stand finding food on a supposedly cleaned dish or utensil, or when people do not rinse their dishes after soaping them up... my wife does an excellent job... I never check my dishes and utensils before using them), pretty much anything that needs to be done in and around the house, my wife can do... even some gardening, though we are both learning that as we go.

And I also love the fact that my wife knew how to do all these domestic things before we got married. Having lived on my own, and having helped my mom with household chores when I lived with my parents, I don't think I could have handled having to teach my wife how to do all these things... especially laundry, since really all you have to do is read your labels.

Anyway, all to say that I so appreciate all my wife's hard work and efforts in the house. And I know I need to help a little more... so I also love the fact that she does not nag me about that :)

I love my wife!


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