The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Friday, October 08, 2004

I love my wife's forgiveness

Nothing is sweeter than when your wife forgives you!

About a month or a month and a half ago, I really hurt my wife. I did something really stupid that put a wedge between us... in fact, it had been 8 months (if not more) in the making, because I was not putting priority on our relationship. It seemed that I put everything else before my relationship with my wife, which, in my mind I wasn't, because I thought I was doing other things to take care of our relationship.

All that to say that it hit a climax recently. She had every right to be angry, hurt and upset. She had every right to never forgive me, because, in a sense, I took advantage of her love and trust. BUT...

She forgave me. It took some time, but she did forgive me. And yesterday, I was just thinking about it, and I realized (maybe "really" for the first time), how terrible and how hurtful it was what I did. If she feels that unloved when I hurt her... WHY would I do it again? I realized how stupid it is to say, "Well, I'll try not to hurt you." (Understand that we can never guarantee we won't do stupid things or hurt the other person, but when we say "I'll try" in a way we are not taking responsibility for our actions).

Something changed in my heart yesterday, and I realized how much I need to fight for this love with my wife. It is not "natural". And it was not "natural" for her to forgive me... but she did! And I love her for that!

PS. I'm probably going to write more on that idea of fighting for our love on my other blog, since this one is dedicated to the reasons I love my wife. So if you're interested go check it out!


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