The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Friday, October 15, 2004

I love my wife's differences (part 3)

I love that my wife is so good at multitasking. Actually, her multitasking capacity is greater than mine as well. This is not a pot-shot at myself. When I am focused on a task, I nail it and do it at a very high level of efficiency and effectiveness. My wife though, is able to have a multitude of projects going at once, with no apparent confusion between them... If I have too many things going on at once, I get lost as to which one I was working on and what tasks/things/ideas go with which project.

Our home would be a disaster zone if it wasn't for my wife's amazing multitasking skills. Our bills, various payments and bank accounts may be in disarray, if it were not for my wife. See, I'm the numbers person in the family, but to have everything running smoothly, that's where my wife comes in. She has brought so much peace and stress-relief into my life.

I love my wife's differences.


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