The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I love that my wife is beautiful

NOTE: what I am about to write is very subjective. As the old saying goes, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." But my point is that the beholder must see that "beauty".

OK... Call me superficial. But, I don't believe anyone when they say that looks are not important. What a sorry foundation and hopeless start to a marriage when you say things like:

- I don't care about my spouses looks (i.e. I don't care that he/she is "ugly"), or
- I'll learn to love and be attracted to my spouse, or
- God wants to punish me with an unattractive spouse (btw, this one is an absolute lie!), or
- I'm not very attractive so I can't expect an attractive spouse.

There are too many issues and factors that WILL cause strain and hurts (sometimes) and riffs in your relationship. That is what happens when two very different people come together to live. Marriage is work! But to throw the issue of not being attracted to your spouse makes no sense. If you don't at the very least feel attracted to your spouse, what, praytell, will keep you fighting for your relationship when real problems arise?

Of course, there is more to being attracted to your spouse than just physical beauty. I acknowledge that. But, you MUST find your spouse beautiful (or handsome or pretty or whatever word you want to use).

And I do find my wife beautiful. She is oh so beautiful to me, and I thank God for giving me such a beautiful wife. She might not be "beautiful" to you... But, honestly, I don't care! I find her beautiful and that is all that matters. I do not dread going to bed with her. I am not afraid of what I will see when I wake up in the morning. I am not ashamed or uncomfortable walking in public with her around my arm. Actually, I feel VERY VERY privileged, honoured and blessed.


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