The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I love that my wife is worth fighting for

It's not that I am fighting with anyone over my wife. There is no "other lover". There is no "boyfriend".

The fight I'm talking about is more metaphoric. It is a fight on the emotional and spiritual level rather than on the physical level.

My wife is too precious, too important to me to allow any circumstances or any momentary feelings to cause a rift between us. I've been through too much to get to this point in my relationship with her (from just getting married to where we are in our intimacy with one another) to let some minor issues set us back.

In other words, I will keep growing, learning, adapting, changing (however slow it may be), so that my relationship with my wife continues to grow, continues to be strengthen, and becomes a beacon and a symbol of marital bliss to others.

And the fact is that my wife is worth all the effort, all the fight, all the time, all the words, all the tears I can muster!


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