The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

I love that my wife says "I love you"

I love it that my wife says "I love you" without any prompting or prodding or begging or asking.

I know how some people grew up nearly never hearing the words "I love you" and so in their adulthood, they do not know "how" to say "I love you." My wife and I both grew up in families where the words "I love you" were not overused... now don't misinterpret that to say we did not come from loving families. Yes, our families had their problems, but they showed love in the ways they knew and understood how... and saying "I love you" was not the number one way of expressing love.

Nevertheless, my wife is very free in her use of the words "I love you" to me. Whenever we see each other, she'll say "I love you" at least once. Whenever we talk on the phone she'll say "I love you" at least once. In fact, it's rare if I heard "I love you" from her only once. And that is wonderful!

I love my wife!


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