The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Monday, January 03, 2005

I love my wife for the little details she thinks of

Today was my first day back at work at Dawson... And it was one of the few times I brought my lunch from home. It was also one of the few times my wife had prepared it for me the night before. Don't take this the wrong way... I don't expect my wife to prepare my lunches. She's busy. She has her own job she needs to go to and various other responsibilities, that I will not dump making my lunch on her as well. Whenever either one of us has the chance, we'll prepare lunch for each other. But most often than not, we just grab something on the go or we buy a sandwich or something.

Having said that, my wife prepared my lunch for me today. She had the day off and she was in "housewife" mode last night. She ironed a bunch of my shirts (Thank you, Love) and did a bunch of cleaning, and she prepared my lunch, which I am so thankful for. But really, to me, the thing that touched me most was the little details she thought of. In my lunch, besides a tupperware full of leftovers was an orange (I'm fighting off some virus or something and have had a sore throat for the last couple of days, so my wife knew I needed more vitamin C) and a little bag with some chocolates. Notice the details! Want to know something else, the chocolates, which came from a box we received for Christmas and had a bunch of white chocolate in it as well (I am not a fan of white chocolate), were all the dark and milk chocolate ones!

Isn't my wife amazing and awesome! It might not mean much to you... But it does to me!

I love my wife.


At 12:36 p.m., Blogger KiR said...

I love white chocolate - so if there's any left over... heehee

I love that you love Cindy so much. It gives me hope for my future hubby. Cindy is sooooo blessed to have you. And although Cindy is my mentor, you have taught me so much as well and as teaching me as a couple. Bless you both!


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