The Multitude of Ways I Love My Wife

A blog about my wonderful & beautiful wife, and ALL the ways I love her.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

I love celebrating Christmas with my wife

I suppose it was inevitable that I'd be writing about Christmas so close to the actual day. But really, there is something special about Christmas and being married. I did enjoy Christmas as I grew up, but often it was marred with a family fight of some sort or at the very least all the "kids" hanging out together and all the parents hanging out separately. And the only time we were really together was when we ate... Which is ok, because food is good! :)

But, really, there IS something special about being married and spending the holidays with my wife. This is going to be our third Christmas as a married couple, fourth as a couple. We haven't yet established any traditions, but just the excitement of being together and knowing that we have a lifetime to grow and come up with our own traditions we will keep with our kids (none yet)... That just bring joy, hope, peace, and love to my heart.

The Bible says that a man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. I know that's very allegorical, spiritual, and maybe metaphysical, but, you know what, around the holidays, you can see that it is true. There is no one I would rather be with than my wife at Christmas. I love my family, I love her family, but really, if we would just hole ourselves up at home together... I would be just as happy... If not even more happy.

Merry Christmas Everyone. And Merry Christmas my love... I'll see you at home ;) ;) nudge nudge.

I love my wife.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I love my wife's administrative skill and promptness

It is awesome when someone has a gift for administration AND being prompt. That's my wife. We are finished ALL our Christmas shopping, except for one gift for one of my best friends. And it is all thanks to my wife. I did help, but really she did most of the leg work and most of the decision-making. She's a great shopper to boot... Getting deals left, right, and centre!

It feels so good to be two days away from Christmas and all our gifts are bought and wrapped. My wife is truly awesome. And I love finding out all these great things (and some times not so great ;) about her, because it just gives me more reasons to love her... Not that I need them. But love is a decision. And I feel so blessed that my wife makes that decision soooooooooooooo easy.

What does this last paragraph have to do with the title... Nothing. But hey, it's my blog, and it's almost Christmas... So


I love my wife.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I love that my wife frustrates me

I suppose I'll have to explain that one thoroughly ;)

Do not get me wrong. I'm not some kind of sadomasochist, who gets off on getting abused. And I am not saying that I do not enjoy peace in my home. And I am also not saying that my wife frustrates me at every turn!

The angle I am looking from is from the point of view that when something frustrates me it usually points to some deeper issue in me or some area I need to work on. I know that my wife is the perfect spouse for me because--without even trying--she can press buttons that make me uncomfortable, uneasy, they make me squirm, and they frustrate me!

For example, my wife is the Queen of administration in our finances. There are times when she starts talking about paying this bill or setting up a budget or the like, and I simply get a headache! But I know that I need to work on my financial organization and administration... And my wife is the best at getting that out of me.

I know that when my wife frustrates me, she is 99.99% of the time simply complimenting a weakness or deficiency in me!

I love my wife.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I love that my wife is hot!

Well, my wife is hot! She is one fine woman!

And I'm not saying that because she's my wife. I really do believe she could be a model. Maybe the only thing keeping her from being a model is that she is not 5'10". But that means nothing to me. She is gorgeous. She has a great body. She even has cute feet... every notice how these "supermodels" have the biggest (sometimes the scariest) feet around! :S

And I'm not the only one who thinks she's gorgeous. Nevertheless, You know how, really, ultimately, all that matters is that your spouse is beautiful to you. As the saying goes, "Love is in the eye of the beholder." And, this eye is well please ;)

Not to make it sound like my relationship with my wife is purely physical or anything. Far from it. But I do truly find my wife HOT!

I love my wife.

Friday, December 17, 2004

I love my wife's shopping sense

The other day, my wife was telling me how she was upset she had bought a gift, but then she found something even better for the same price in another store. She then wanted to return the gift and buy the new thing, but they would only give her a store credit. What upset her the most was, she had thought in her mind before she went shopping that she wouldn't do the "typical-woman-shopper" thing, and look at something, go to eight different stores and come back to the first thing. She would instead just buy the first thing right off the bat.

I told my wife after that she should shop the way she shops. I love the way she shops. It's incredible. She finds great stuff for great buys. I can't keep up with her... and it is a style of shopping I cannot do, in fact, it frustrates me. But I am so happy my wife can do it. She's awesome at it.

Thank you, Love, for doing so much of the Christmas shopping!

I love my wife!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I love my wife's beaming smile

I know I talked about my wife's smile back on October 6th, but I had to mention it again.

Today, Cindy went for her grad pictures, and I was allowed to come to take a couple of pictures with her. As I sat there for the first eight or so pictures, I was just in awe of her beauty. Her smile just lit up her face and melted my heart. I could not but smile and laugh with the joy that came to me simply watching her. Even the photographer commented on her beautiful smile.

I truly have the most amazing and beautiful wife! And again, I am so proud of her accomplishments!

I love my Lion!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I love that my wife is a Lion with some Otter & Beaver

What the heck am I talking about?!? ;-)

It has to do with personality types. My wife's strongest type falls in the Lion category. This is the authoritative, firm, bold, action-oriented, problem solving, strong willed type of person. She isn't overly a Lion, but enough to get things done. The Otter part describes someone who is enthusiastic, motivational, very verbal, friendly, creative, fun-loving, enjoys change. The Beaver is the accurate, consistent, practical, factual, detailed, analytical type.

Why do I love this in my wife. Well, I am strongly a Golden Retriever with Otter and Beaver tendencies. You know what Otters and Beavers are like now, but the Golden Retriever. Those are the type of people who are fiercely loyal, sensitive, avoid confrontation, warm, relational, non-demanding, gives in, adaptable, patient.

We really do compliment each other well. My Lion category is fairly low, while my wife's Golden Retriever category is low. Sure it sometimes causes friction--(actually, I just think that it's because I myself am so confused... Sometimes the Beaver is very strong and since they tend to be perfectionists, nothing is perfect for them!)-- But in the end, all that friction is good for us. It causes us to understand one another more. It causes us to be more conscientious. It also helps us to be more open with one another. My wife being a Lion has helped me with confrontations. I still don't like it. I still have trouble doing it sometimes, but I've learnt to confront much more than before.

I know it might sound funny, or opposite to the traditional way of viewing a husband and a wife. You would think that the husband should be the Lion and the wife the Golden Retriever... But really, I am happy that my wife is the action-oriented one. I'm happy that she can see what needs to be done and she goes after it. Sometimes my creative (Otter) side gets the best of me and all I do is spent all the time dreaming rather than putting anything into action. My wife's Lion is helping me and is going to be crucial for me to get my coffeehouse off the ground... Actually, more like out of the clouds :)

I love my Lion ;)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I love that my wife is a great support to me

My wife is great. She is awesome. Yes we have our disagreements, and miscommunications... but there are those times when, with out one word, we click and we support and compliment each others actions and words.

What am I talking about specifically?

Well, with Christmas coming, and so many things to do--like buying gifts, groceries, baking and cleaning--my wife is being such a superstar shopper. Without me having to mention anything, she has taken it upon herslef to do most of our shopping. We did sit down together and planned out what to get each person on our list, but she is doing most of the leg work. She realized that my work hours and the renovations I'm working on at home, besides all the other volunteer work, birthdays and events we have, I would not have much shopping time. She is totally awesome.

I love my wife!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I love that my wife and I see eye to eye

It's not just one area that we see eye to eye... thank GOD!... but there is something that is coming up in our lives right now, which I am very happy that we do agree on it. However, this is going to be a challenge for me to present it in a way where I do not become extremely negative. So here goes.

My wife and I are both tired of people who give excuses... or who complain about others, but don't see themselves. We're tired of people, who often look to us for mentoring or counsel, yet completely disregard anything we say. My wife and I have been through a lot... though we are humble enough and smart enough to know that we still have TONS to learn (we're 26 and 32, respectively... that's my wife and me!). Nevertheless, we've been through university. We've worked. We've served in our church. We've fought. We've loved! So there is a bit me know and understand. It is frustrating to see others making the same mistakes you did... and you try to steer them onto the better track, but they refuse with their actions.

Actually, I think that's what frustrates us most. People will say, "Yes, Yes, I get it. I'll do it." But then their actions show something completely opposite to that.

And then, on the other hand, I guess we need to learn how to let go and let people make their own mistakes. It's just when you have a heart for people, you don't want them to suffer needlessly... at least, it seems needless in our eyes.

So, I love that my wife and I see eye to eye on this. I love that she is as passionate as I am (if not more) about seeing others grow and flourish into the great people they can be. And yes, as sadistic as it may sound, I love that my wife gets frustrated by these issues!

I love my wife!

Monday, December 06, 2004

I just love my wife

OK... so that's a little generic and too general... but it's how I feel today... and it's what I want to write about. This does not mean that I will not continue writing about other things I love about my wife... so don't worry! :)

Anyway, I love my wife. Everything about her makes me want to love her... and love her more every day. I can't wait to get home and be with her. I can't wait to make supper for her tonight. I can't wait to watch CSI: Miami with her tonight. I can't wait to go to be and sleep with her! I can't wait to hold her in my arms. I can't wait to have her familiar scent near me. I can't wait to have her soft touch on my arm (and feet :P ). I just feel like saying "I love my wife," over and over again!

I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife! I love my wife!

I think you get the picture. I hope and pray that every husband out there loves his wife with all his heart and tells her so! and tells others as well!

I love my wife.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


NOTE: for any of you that remember "Three's Company", that was Crissy's way of fitting "Congratulations on your Graduation" on one banner :)

Well, this blog posting is going to take a slightly different approach.

Today, after 5 years of hard work and perseverance, which included one year in a different program, one year of sick leave due to fibromyalgia, and three years of blood, sweat and tears in a Specialization AND a Minor, my wife officially graduated... with distinction (i.e. honours, i.e. a GPA above 3.7).

I wanted her, and the whole world (well anyone who will come to this blog), that I am so proud of her and what she has accomplished and had to go through to get to where she is. She is an inspiration to me. Every semester came with new challenges and work... above and beyond what she was still doing from previous semesters... and you rose above it all... to the glory of God!

She is the perfect example of the Proverbs 31 woman. She prooved that reliance on God, being planted in your church, serving God and your church, will bless everything else you do... including your studies!!!

Congratulations, my Love. Words cannot express how proud I am of you and what an inspiration and encouragement you are to me. I love you.